Saturday 22 September 2012

How do they express their feelings?

 It was a pleasant Monday morning when I reached Bangalore Central Railway Station well on time to catch the Intercity Express. Soon after the train started, I found myself sitting amid people speaking only Malayalam. With my very slim ability to speak and understand this language, and with a lot of struggle, finally I succeeded to tell them that am going to Kerala to bring back my baby. As much surprise, everybody seemed equally excited for me to reach the Palghat station where I would meet my baby along with her grandparents!
It was a total eight hours journey where every passing moment was bringing me closer to my child. With such swarming emotions, and uncontrollable happiness, I was just wondering how she would react upon meeting me after a long duration of ten days…and ten nights! I was dreaming, she jumping over me with a loud squeal of delight…or she crying desperately for missing my warmth…or she would expect me to bring some toy!!!
Thoughts of her were so intense that I didn’t even realize that within half an hour my journey will come to an end. Very hurriedly then, I purchased few colorful toys from the vendors within the train. In another few minutes, I started collecting my luggage at one place, and pulled my neck up for the sharpest possible angle to observe the station coming nearer… None of the names of any station has filled me with such enthralling experience ever before, as the name PALGHAT did!
Then came the moment...the much awaited one!
I don’t know whether it happens to every mother or not…but by the time I got down from train, my eyes were fixed only at one being, out of the thousands on that station and I ran much faster just to clutch her tight in my arms…Getting her glimpse after so many days was no less than a blessing and that made me realize once again that my daughter is the world’s most beautiful child!!!  To hold my excitement and control my emotions, I did not utter a word but simply raised my arms towards her…
Arrival of her mother, all of a sudden, was like a surprise for her too. She was dumbfounded! She didn’t take another bite of chocolate, eating already; neither showed any sign of excitement nor for cry; didn’t jump over in my arms and didn’t even ask for any toy…..only voice I could hear was coming straight from her eyes…
Yes, she was angry with me!
It’s not that she wasn’t happy there; it’s just a fact that she missed her mother!
Someone had told me earlier,” you can express your feelings but you can never express your child’s feelings”. And now I have understood the meaning of those words completely.
Now it was my turn to payback…she stopped coming to me willingly, didn’t call me for her vital needs, and forget holding me while sleeping....and this went on for complete one day one night…
Next morning, when she opened her eyes, tears rolled down from my eyes, I took her up in my arms, kissed her a million times and while saying sorry, promised that I will never let her stay away from me in future…
Again she started calling her mother for everything, again she started hiding behind curtains and asking me to look for, again she started dancing on my rhymes, and again she gave me all the pleasures of world!
She thus taught me a lesson which I would never forget. She thus made me realize the depth of a mother-child relationship once again!!!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer!

While on a vacation to Kerala at my in-laws, I thought to leave my baby there for a few days so as to make her more independent. Being very reluctant and bemused about my plan, every night I tried to make her sleep away from me…with her grandmother. I never knew she has grown clever enough to understand that her mother is nearby and can come running at her smallest cry. So that’s what her strategy became every night.  This made me more frightened for how she would adjust after I leave.

Though everybody assured that she would remain contented and delighted here too, the heart of a MOTHER was still beating abnormally fast!

Finally the day came, and with oodles of kisses and a lot of hugs, I left my baby there with a determination to take her back as early as possible!

Sitting whole the way long without her being in my lap and without listening to her chirpy sounds in the car, the journey for the first time was boring even in the presence of other family members…I wonder how does the life of a mother revolves only around her children each and every time! Very true it’s said that “a daughter may outgrow your lap but she will never outgrow your heart.”

Then we reached home, here at Bangalore, where the weather is always at its best usually. But that day, neither the cold breeze, nor the romantic drizzling was able to set my mood…

Soon after entering inside the home, I realized how empty it is without her moving around. It was never like that until her birth! I felt like I was out of feelings till the time a little angel came to my life and started calling me mumma!

Now there is silence all through the places, toys all at their spaces, no clothes hanging down the cupboards and no utensils laying over the floors…no danger of putting hot vessels nearby, no worries of decorating delicate tiles…no fear for the future of some important document left by…and no more rules to apply….

The days seem much longer now…the nights have turned shorter…

BUT I still don’t feel normal….everything appears wrong….I do not want this much clean house, I do not want so much arranged shelves…It has become my habit to keep delicate and hot items all away from your reach…I don’t care if you tear away all the important files…I just hate this tranquility in my house….I only want you to come and overturn everything once again and for the eternity.

I am surprised how empty I was and I am without you my angel….will come soon to take you with me…to fill my living with life...

You will never know how proud I am of all the things you do.

You came into my world, so tiny and so small...

And I was in awe at the wonder of it all.

Then you placed your little hand in mine...

There was no denying, my heart was yours 'til the end of time.

Monday 13 August 2012

How does your baby get to know that you are MOTHER

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new.  ~Rajneesh

How does your baby get to know that you are MOTHER?

Simply by the bond you two share!!!

But when and how this bond was created?

Bonding is a process, not something that takes place within seconds, but is a byproduct of every moment’s caring and sharing. Right from the time of conception, each passing day fills you with love joy and satisfaction. Knowing and understanding the week by week development of your baby inside the womb is such a delightful feeling that cannot be expressed in words! 

Carrying a baby all through those typical nine months cautiously starts the process of BONDING between you and your child much before it actually comes and much before you realize. Right from the choice of food you are eating, the music you are listening, the work you are doing, the pattern you are sleeping in, or may be the perfume you are wearing, your baby is observing each and everything and trying to find its own pleasure in all that you do. That means the baby is recognizing its mother and getting familiar with her habits.

They even respond to the smell and touch of their mothers, as well as the responsiveness of the parents to their needs. Soon after the birth, the first skin to skin touch of a baby and mother ties both of them into a divine relationship. While being held in the warm couch of her mother’s arms, the baby ensures her safest and happiest place to be in.  This is why a cranky baby becomes a smiley baby soon after coming back to her mother, no matter how much love any relative may shower.

Another one is the eye-to-eye contact between you and your baby which does provide a meaningful communication. Babies can follow moving objects with their eyes and thus can very well understand the language of love mothers speak just by looking into the eyes of their little darlings. That way they also learn to imitate your facial expressions and try to speak or even sing along with you.

Then comes the day when your baby gets up from bed suddenly and starts walking. Now she wants to play with everything and everybody around her. Once fallen, she might cry, but definitely knows whom to search for a comfort and adoration because now she knows who her mother is.