Wednesday 11 November 2015

Have you also felt the same ever?

Want to go somewhere else…because this place is full of selfish and mean people!

Despite of all the love we receive from our surroundings, as a child, it is very difficult to understand why our parents scold us so often, why our elder siblings tease us for silly things and why sometimes even ideal teachers adapt angry tone towards us. That is the time we just feel like doing whatever makes us feel happy, without any fear, without any boundaries and without any hesitation. And if anyone tries to interrupt that feeling, a child tends to think…”Nobody understands me, I want to run away somewhere”…

I used to feel the same when I was a child. As I grew and started my college, I thought I am grown up enough to be felt intimidated by anyone! But soon the ragging session started where all the juniors and freshers were treated like the sub-ordinates of their seniors….

Since I was used-to to the teasing’s of my elder siblings, I survived! Also I knew that complaining about your siblings to the parents is of no use and hence never complained about the seniors to my teachers and wardens; and so, I survived! Slowly I became a bit stronger emotionally, but somehow a thought inculcated in my mind that ‘teasing’ is a general habit of people living in this area…be it your home, your school, college, hostel or even the roads where any stranger can come and tease you like a thing!

I thought this whole area is sick…I must go out somewhere else…

Finally I got a job and luckily was moved to another area…

“Ah! This place should be good”, I thought! And with a happy heart begun my journey from home to office—in the office – and from office to home every day!

Those were the days when I witnessed how sick, dirty and filthy a person can behave when you are stuck in an over-crowded public bus. I also observed how a simple looking person can suddenly transform into a complex, self-centered and political one, when it comes to progress their career through unfair means! I tried to ignore all those unpleasant things, people and atmosphere and continued working there for a few years! Those were the years I understood why seniors rag you in the college…just to make you strong enough to tolerate the outside world and its dirt!

By that time I was married and had a new born baby in my hands. Like all the parents I pledged and decided to give the world’s best things to my child. Husband got a promotion and we moved to another state.

Happy to be shifted in a new area, I thought it must be a different place, with people of good mentality!

Soon I learnt how intolerant the people were in that state. The local people there believed that people from different states have come to make their state over-crowded and polluted!  I witnessed the partiality for locals while applying for jobs and observed the biased nature of people while working in the office with majority of locals. Throughout my stay in that state, I wondered how and why do people behave so differently even if they belong to the same country! I also thanked the people I met in my previous jobs because of whom I had become immuned enough to over-come such strange feelings.

But the feeling of going away really far has not died yet and I asked my husband to take me to a different country altogether!

Here we were in a different world, differently looking people, speaking different language, wearing different clothes and even eating different cuisines. This country had a different smell!

I was flattered with the warm smile I received from people here in this country. I thought people in this place are more welcoming to others, unlike the people of the place where I have come from.
But as my stay continued, all such good thoughts began to wash off slowly. It began with me getting duped by a maid agency here in this new country and then many similar incidences of duping in one way or other lined up in series; just to reveal the real rudeness behind the smiles of those pretty looking faces.

I finally understood that this is not the place I wanted to run away for and these are not the people with whom I can even argue in my own way!

I finally understood that similar type of people live in every area. Wherever we go, they might trouble us, tease us, disdain us and even insult us. We need to ignore those things at that moment so as to survive; thereafter we need to apply those experiences to persevere even better in the worst condition, which we might face later in our lives! Different stages of our lives give us different messages and teach us how to deal better next time! With this thought, I have now decided to not to feel like running away, rather stay there, fight the situation, get new lessons, enjoy and move on to the next destination to apply your newly learned experiences into the newly found situations J

Sunday 27 September 2015

They indeed are observing us!!!!

We often complaint that our children don’t listen to us…. But we should never forget that they are always watching us!

The way we talk to people in family, the way we greet friends, the way we speak to strangers, even the way we behave with animals….they notice all, absorb that and adapt it!

Based on the experiences watching my daughter to grow, I would here jot down a few things a child notices very strongly and adapts in his own life very quickly---

After the age of one year…
The first year after the birth of child is so engaging for the parents that they don’t even realize what the child has learnt from family!
By the time the child is weaned off, he had already absorbed a lot of characteristics of his parents! He has observed the relationship of his mother and father and has by now understood how important the trio is for each other…He has understood how to love and how to demand for more love from family members…he has observed that his parents don’t talk to everybody on the road or everybody in the market, so he has adapted talking to selected people technique….he has observed which set of people usually come to home and how his parents talk comfortably to them and similar way he makes himself comfortable in that company. At the same time, he has also observed that sometimes when un-invited strangers come to home, his parents lack that warmth in their conversations and so he also tends to act shyly or prefers not to approach them.

By this time these little kids have also understood which member of the family has got the softest heart towards them and in front of whom they can put up their demands J

Till the time they attain the age of two…
They catch up your language…they catch the style and the way you eat food…they understand how to do make up on their pretty faces and nonetheless, how to choose items from a fashion store!
Mine one developed a habit of first checking the price tag of a cloth and then attaching it on her shoulders to check how it looks on her J
By this age, they start putting hand on their mouths while sneezing or coughing…just like you do always…

One disadvantage of us being so dependent on gadgets is that by this age our kids understand how to swipe their tiny fingers over the smart phones, tabs and ipads…. My daughter initially was puzzled why the swiping of her finger does not work on the monitor of my laptop!

If they have observed you praying to God, don’t get surprised when next time you find them putting their cute petitions in from of Him. Once I found my daughter requesting God to cure her fever fast….She also talks to God often whenever she falls down while playing and gets hurt!

If any of the parent has interest in cars….these age kids can surprisingly tell you the names of different brands of car moving on the road J

During their third year they understand that just like them there are some other living beings also in this nature who need constant supply of food and water and they have understood this just because you had never failed to pour water in the plants and give bread to the street dogs. If you have pets at home, they surely will understand that animals have their own language of love and their love is unconditional!

By this age, they learn to hold the pencils and colors in their tiny fingers and follow your style for doing drawings and paintings….They pretend to drive the car like you…they want to wash their clothes…they want to sweep the house….fixing up the bed…putting up the pillow cases…and everything and anything that have observed you doing! Not only this, they also want to have things similar to yours…My little daughter even wanted her hair style to be like mine J

They want to surprise you by cooking some yummy food in their very own kitchen set, because they think that now they have understood the procedures and patterns of cooking!

They have noticed that last time when your hand got burnt by a hot object, you had applied ice…so this time if you will burn your hand, they will be standing with ice in their hands already! They are growing bigger and more sensible now…

They become more caring for you when they attain the age of four…

They will understand your facial expressions and will definitely ask “Why are you so serious”? If they have observed you buying only required items from the shops, next time they might say “I don’t need this, I already have one like this”… They will even understand that you are tired and might help you grab a taxi by shouting loud….TAXI…

Dare not to hit a wall while moving fast around the house when you are doing your usual chores, you might get scolded by your younger self asking why you were not being careful…and after that if you will pretend to cry at all, they will give you the world’s best hug to patch up everything!

One day when a few guests came at my home I observed my daughter. She was sitting with shoes on and was busy with her color book…talking minimally in between...but as soon as the guests left……she used the toes of one foot to remove the shoe from the ankle of her other foot and flew it in the air, the other shoe also flew similarly in other direction, next I don’t know how the colors fell down from her table to the floor…and I heard a sigh “Ahhh….” Since I laughed instantly, I guess I missed what she could have said next! She has had observed her parents doing this earlier, I recalled!

These are just the highlights which I could jot down in this small write-up, but I am sure if I will make a day to day note of her activities which she has absorbed from her parents, I will become a rich librarian J

Not only these younger years, sometimes I think as a grown-up also whatever decision we make in our lives is somehow inspired by our parents. If we have seen our parents struggled and came out successfully from some problem, then in future we surely be able to fight the tough situations with courage.

As a parents hence this is our responsibility to shower more love and respect to all the living beings, act more carefully and sensibly for our surroundings, behave tactfully in all the ups and downs of life, so that our children will automatically absorb such good habits!

Wednesday 19 August 2015

A hunt for the best educator!

And it was yet another regular evening when my three and half year old daughter was playing in the neighborhood park and I was just observing her…

“Don’t catch me mumma…don’t hold me…Aadya is a strong girl and I will take care of myself!”

These are the usual words she utters when she notices that I am getting worried to see her jumping from the unusual heights, sliding fast with a zupp… sound and falling down on ground after being brutally pushed by elder children…

And there she is making a sand castle, unaware of the fact that something fishy is being cooked in the mind of a boy standing just behind her. I chose not to warn her and just observe what the boy is up to and how my little princess is going to tackle that…
Suddenly the boy, double the height of hers and may be double the age of hers too, snatched the spoon she was using to make sand castle and poured a spoonful of sand on her…By the time I reached the spot (may be a few seconds), she was already shredding the sand off herself and before I could say anything I heard her saying – “What you did!” 

But she didn’t cry…She turned to me and sobbed a little…”Mumma see, he has spoiled my hair and clothes! He is also spoiling my sand castle!” I said don’t worry, it has happened just to make you more strong! There are so many people in this world and not all will behave the same way we expect out of them…some may leave good while some will leave bad impressions on our heart and slowly we will learn how to tackle any situation!

I also gave a stern stare to that boy who probably felt ashamed but was not ready to accept his mistake. I thought he will move away and make himself busy somewhere else, but he didn’t…rather he took the spoon and started pulling out more and more sand from the ground…

I thought it’s better for me to divert my daughter’s mind into something else and hence took her over a slide…she always enjoys that! And the idea worked! Soon she started enjoying this new game and forgot the mess on her hair and dress…She ran fast, climbed the stairs quickly waited for her turn and then zupp…she is down…she can do this whole night I think sometimes…J

Not to her much joy, a group of children came who looked like cousins and were speaking a different language, started climbing the slide from front (not from the stairs)….This interrupted the children from sliding down and a few children including my daughter felt disheartened…Then to my surprise my girl said…”Excuse me! Can we go turn by turn?”… Readily the other group of children accepted her request and they started playing all-together one by one…With the giggles and laughter sound all around in the park, every parent seemed to be feeling like happy and refreshed!

Father of one of the child, who was probably observing me and my daughter for quite a long time then came to me and asked…”Which school does she goes to?” I said Capitol public school…

He said…Oh that’s not a big name…I have heard they do not teach very well…Then how come your daughter has such good communication skills? I just smiled, did not reply anything because I didn’t feel like correcting his thought about any school…he was a stranger and I generally do not speak much to them…

Not receiving any answer from my side made him put more stress on his mind…and he came out with self-satisfactory answer....”All thanks to your husband, that your daughter is so good at communication”.

Before I could understand what he meant, what type of mentality he carries or how to give him back in the best possible way, he had already left!

I stood there still with many thoughts flashing in my mind – why do people give credits only to husbands…Why do people believe that only expensive and so-called branded schools can provide good education…and whom do people think actually provide the best education to kids?

While I was taking my daughter back to home from park, I believe the loudest thought in my mind was – it’s the parents, the family and the environment in the house of a child that provides him/her the best education in their initial years and nonetheless throughout the life!

Please feel free to comment if you agree or disagree J